April 15th, 2025 | Baltimore, Maryland
HubSpot Day @ NTC25
An immersive, full-day experience for benevolence creators like you.
Join the Benevolent Tech community for a one-day gathering of leaders and get-it-doners across the nonprofit industry eager to learn and share best practices and the wealth of possibility with the HubSpot platform.
The World Needs
Your Benevolence
What to Expect
This one-day event is the only gathering of its kind dedicated to help Nonprofit leaders grow your mission, impact, and team with HubSpot. You’ll experience programming and networking designed to accelerate your mission through technology and services that keep you, your staff, and your constituents at the center.
You’ll benefit from sessions, demos, thought leadership, and an Unconference with your success, and curiosities, in mind.
And of course, what kind of day would it be without goodies and surprises along the way?
Networking Breakfast
9-10:00 AM
10:00 AM-Noon
Noon-1:00 PM
Lunch Roundtables
1-4:00 PM
Sessions & Unconference
Tuesday April 15th, 2025
Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD
1 W Pratt St, Baltimore, MD 21201
Register Today as Space is Limited!
We’re thrilled to partner with NTEN to bring you this one-day event as an official Pre-Conference of the Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC)! HubSpot Day @ NTC is open to all Nonprofit attendees, whether or not you are registered for NTC.
This event has passed!
Apply to Attend: Space is Limited!
Attendance is FREE for Nonprofits! * **
Thanks to the generous support of our partners, we can host this incredible gathering of Nonprofit leaders at no cost to you - just be sure to register with your .org email address. This community is stronger because YOU show up, and we all can learn and grow together.
* Send us a note here if you are a Nonprofit and do not have a .org email address
** Not a Nonprofit, and interested in co-sponsoring? Send us a note here
Made Possible By
Our Community
HubSpot Day at NTC is brought to you by a community of benevolent leaders and
businesses that serve mission-driven organizations like yours.